
What Are The Symptoms Of POTS?

What Are The Symptoms Of POTS?

POTS (Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome) is an illness that is caused by a person’s problematic blood circulation and an imbalance of the person’s autonomic nervous system.  Once believed to have been caused by anxiety, researchers now know a lot more about this common syndrome.

POTS generally affects women who are between the ages of 15-50, otherwise known as the childbearing years.  Men can also acquire the POTS illness, but statistics show that about 80% of the POTS patients are female.

Symptoms vary among all POTS patients, although some of the symptoms overlap routinely.  An increase in heartrate, especially when moving from a sitting position to a standing position, is most common.  Other symptoms may include, but are not limited to; fainting, lightheadedness, nausea, headaches, pain in arms or legs, chest pain, blurred vision, forgetfulness, and exhaustion.

Many symptoms can improve with a change in bodily position.  For example, if symptoms worsen when in a standing position, then sitting or lying down can improve symptoms.  Treatments for POTS patients may also include things, such as; changes in diet, increase in fluids, the avoidance of mind-altering substances, or taking prescription medications.  A couple of examples of medications that are used to treat POTS symptoms include; Beta Blockers and Fludrocortisone.

As of to date, there is no known cure for POTS; however, many patients find an improvement of symptoms with lifestyle changes, medications, and the passing of time.  For some patients, POTS symptoms can be quite troublesome and can interrupt their daily routines, such that they are disabled to work or perform routine daily tasks.  For many others, symptoms are manageable with the balance of proper lifestyle choices, medications, and close personal monitoring.

POTS symptoms impact millions of people around the world.  Although researchers are still looking for a cure, POTS patients can take some comfort in the fact that, hopefully, with a few changes in their own personal lifestyle, there may be an opportunity to improve troublesome symptoms that interfere with daily enjoyment of life.

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