
What Is It Like To Live With POTS?

What Is It Like Living With POTS?

Postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS) is an illness that millions of people around the world live with on a daily basis.  Some people have overwhelming experiences with the symptoms of POTS and find it difficult to perform simple tasks.  Others only experience lite symptoms periodically and can manage their discomfort with just a few different treatment options.  If you are a POTS patient, or know someone who is living with POTS, then there are a few things that you can do that may help to improve your quality of daily living.

Once the diagnosis is made for a POTS patient, then lifelong care and monitoring is vital.  Organizing your thoughts, medical information, symptoms, and treatments will help you be prepared for future episodes that occur.  Perhaps keeping all of this information in a notebook or in an electronic file is a good place to begin.

Some pieces of information that may be useful for your collection may include; your personal health and mental wellness plans, contact information for your POTS healthcare provider(s), lists of prior medications or treatments that have worked or didn’t work, and any other pertinent information that is related to your POTS diagnosis.

Management of stress can also be a key component for dealing with your POTS diagnosis successfully.  Because POTS patients often deal with their symptoms throughout the course of many years, they often deal with a roller-coaster of emotions throughout that time, too.  Some things they may feel over the course of time include; anger, weakness, embarrassment, frustration, and hope.  If you, or someone you know, is dealing with POTS and needs help dealing with their emotions related to the illness, then seeking counseling assistance is highly recommended.

POTS is an incurable illness, as of today.  However, with lifestyle advances, medications, and taking good care of yourself, a lifelong goal of improving your symptoms and finding enjoyment in everyday living is hopefully attainable for all.

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Written by mrpipeline


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